Monday, November 4, 2019

‘Mitzraim’ of Abraham, Moses, was not Arabia



Damien F. Mackey


To the reader who is trying to convince me that the Exodus was in Arabia (and who also believes that Moses was in Mecca, and that Abraham was in Arabia):


“Although the Bible has Abraham going to Mitzraim which is generally accepted as being Egypt (until we started to uncover our clues) the Koran has Ibrahim visiting Arabia”:


I wrote:


Did you take your lead from Islam? Or Islamic scholars?

Some of them have Cheops' architect, Hemiunu, as the Haman of the Book of Esther.

Not a bad try, only about a millennium out.


Their Prophet is strangely connected in various cases with non-existent (at the time) Nineveh.

Ahmed Osman has managed to fit all the main biblical characters, from Abraham to the Holy Family, into just the one 18th Egyptian dynasty. 


You, yourself, have Abraham in Arabia.

Dr. John Osgood has identified archaeologically, in Late Chalcolithic, the destruction in Palestine (note) caused by Amraphel of Shinar and his coalitional mates (Genesis 14). 


For my critiques of Ahmed Osman, see:


Osman's 'Osmosis' of Moses. Part One: The Chosen People


Osman's 'Osmosis' of Moses. Part II: Christ the King


“… one should … expect the chronological earthquake caused by Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky

to be still transmitting aftershocks right down the line, so as to plunge late BC events

into an AD time frame”.

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